Poster Locations
Locations for Hanging event posters around campus.
Many Academic Buildings have a place for event posters. Prior approval by the Department Office, Head of the Department, or from the professor that will hang it on their door, must be obtained before hanging these posters.
Posting of announcements, advertisements, etc., shall occur only on “open” bulletin boards located in buildings or on specifically constructed or erected outdoor structures such as kiosks. Unless a bulletin board is marked for a restricted use such as a specific academic department, they are “open” and available for posting general announcements. “Open” bulletin boards can be found throughout academic buildings and on outdoor kiosks. Requests to display a banner or poster of any kind outdoors other than a kiosk must be made to University Relations (273-2761).
*The display of posters and announcements in residence halls, dining centers, Maucker Union, and the UNI-Dome is regulated by the directors of these respective areas. Any person or organization wishing to display an announcement in these areas should contact the appropriate departmental office for the conditions under which they may be displayed.
The display/distribution of literature, flyers, announcements, etc. on automobile windshields, trees, and sidewalks is prohibited. Maintenance personnel are directed to remove all types of advertising or announcements in buildings or outdoors that are not displayed in an authorized place or are out of date. The organization or individual(s) who violate this policy may be billed for the costs of removal and clean-up.
Office of Student Involvement Front Desk
- Get date stamped before posting
Main Floor bulletin boards
- North corridor bulletin boards: by Ballroom entrance
- Hallway by Northern Iowa Student Government
- Bring posters to Event Services desk for approval
Locations in Lang Hall
- 1st floor by graduate studies - can put on the bulletin board or on the bar below
- Contact graduate studies for permission to hang
- Basement: 3 in long hallway, 1 around the corner near the small theater
Location in Seerley Hall
- Outside of room 127 and 161
- On the second floor, at the end closest to Maucker Union
Locations in McCollum Science Hall
- Outside of rooms 127 and 161
Locations in Curris Business Building
- Ground Floor next to room 27 and small board near elevator.
- 1st Floor next to room 121
- 2nd Floor across the hall from 231, 2nd floor room 265
- 3rd floor room 360 and 322
Location in the Kamerick Art Building
- Bulletin boards near the hallway that opens out to the UNI-Dome walkway
- Right outside room 108
- Entrance in front of Strayer Wood Theatre
Locations in the Communication Arts Center
- Two bulletin boards near Room 114a
- Bulletin board near the elevator on the ground floor
To the left of the main office
Outside of Room 151
- Ask to post
2 bulletin boards on each floor. Drop off at Room 220
- They will post it themselves
Bulletin board in the East entrance
- Ask to post
If you want to post on the computers in the library, contact Melinda Beland
Each poster for these locations must be brought to the UHD Office in Redeker Center for prior authorization before posting.
- Posters must be 8.5x11in size only!
Redeker Center
- Bulletin board on the main floor
Towers Lounge
- Bulletin board above the Rialto Dining Center
The Residence Halls
- Bring to Hall Offices and ask them to hang it up after gaining approval from UHD