Panhellenic Sororities
College is a time to explore who you are, what matters to you, and what value you want to bring to the world! And joining a sorority is about finding your people – the women who will cheer you on and challenge you along the way. Your future sisters will be there to support you as you learn all that you’re capable of, and through the sorority experience you’ll tap into your potential through exploring leadership, giving back to the community, and serving others.
Sororities bring incredible women together and provide outlets and support for us to do real good in our community. We believe there is no group at the University of Northern Iowa that has the power to impact our world like sororities!
Sorority is … a deep network and well of opportunities that will help you succeed – beyond what you can imagine today. Your sorority helps you find your niche at [school] through opportunities to connect and lead, and the benefits of the sorority experience are real. Sorority women are three times as likely to have an internship in school and twice as likely to have a job when they graduate.
Sorority is … a community of support. You’ve heard about our “sisterhood.” Sororities provide a family and a home away from home. Your sisters will be there for you – for celebrating your wins, for tough conversations, and for when you need a shoulder to lean on. Sisterhood is deeper than friendship and lasts far beyond the few years we’re in college.
Like what you’ve heard? Want to meet the UNI sororities?
Sorority Life is where you find your people! Fill out the interest form today!

Is sorority life for me?
Every campus and every chapter is different, but sororities participate in all kinds of things from intramural activities, to short theater productions, to musical performances and much more! On top of that, they host events to raise money for local charities and volunteer at a wide variety of local organizations. And if you get involved in the leadership roles, you'll basically be an officer on the board of a small corporation.
We're not saying that sorority life is right for everyone, everywhere. To see if it's a fit for you, try going through recruitment. You'll meet lots of new people -- and potential sorority sisters.
Visit This is a great resource for women interested in the sorority experience and is sponsored by the National Panhellenic Conference.
Primary Recruitment
Held each fall during the first weeks of classes, Primary Recruitment is a mutual selection process by which sororities choose their new members, and potential members select the chapter that aligns with their values and will help them grow. The goal is to find the "best fit" between you and the chapter. Primary Recruitment will allow you to attend events with each sorority that will in turn provide you with information about their four pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Sisterhood. It is also an opportunity to discuss financial obligations, time commitments, membership expectations, and benefits. You will also get to meet lots of new people!
If you are interested in joining a Panhellenic organization, we recommend that you participate in Primary Recruitment, as many chapters will reach their capacity during this process.
What is Primary Recruitment?
This is the most common way to join a Panhellenic organization. Held each fall during the first weeks of classes, Potential New Members will have the opportunity to get to know each Panhellenic organization at UNI. If you are interested in joining a sorority, we recommend that you participate in Sorority Primary Recruitment, as many chapters will reach their capacity during this process.
Recruitment is a series of events over five days, coordinated by the Panhellenic Council Recruitment Team, where the chapters get to know you, and you get to know the women of each chapter. Sorority Primary Recruitment is a mutual selection process that is filled with activities designed to offer prospective members the chance to learn about the Panhellenic sororities in a concentrated period of time. It is an opportunity for students to meet the sorority members, ask questions, and define financial obligations, time commitments, and membership requirements. Whether or not you decide to join a Panhellenic sorority, recruitment is a great way to meet people and get acquainted with life at UNI.
Primary Recruitment Schedule
Continuous Open Bidding (COB)
Alpha Delta Pi ΑΔΠ
Nickname: ADPi
Colors: Azure & White
Philanthropy: Ronald McDonald House
Founding at UNI: 1967
Motto: We Live For Each Other
GPA Requirement: 3.00 High School, 2.70 College Facebook: ADPiEpsilonMu
Instagram: @UNIADPiEM | Local Website
Recruitment Video
President: Contact
Alpha Phi ΑΦ
Nickname: APhi
Colors: Bordeaux & Silver
Philanthropy: Women's Heart Health and the Alpha Phi Foundation
Founding at UNI: 1970
Motto: Union hand in hand
GPA Requirement: 3.00 High School, 2.65 College Facebook: UNIAlphaPhi
TikTok: @AlphaPhi_UNI
Instagram: @UNIAlphaPhi | Local Website
Recruitment Video
President: Contact
Alpha Sigma Tau ΑΣΤ
Nickname: AST or Alpha Tau
Colors: Emerald Green & Gold
Philanthropy: Women’s Wellness Initiative
Founding at UNI: 1969 Re-established: 2016
Motto: Defining Excellence
GPA Requirement: 3.00 High school, 2.60 College Facebook: Alpha Sigma Tau at the University of Northern Iowa
Twitter: @ASTatUNI
Instagram: @ASTatUNI | Local Website
Recruitment Video
President: Contact
Alpha Xi Delta ΑΞΔ
Nickname: AXiD
Colors: Light Blue, Navy Blue & Gold
Philanthropy: Kindly Hearts Initiative
Founding at UNI: 1965
Motto: Realize Your Potential
GPA Requirement: 3.00 High School, 2.60 College Facebook: UNI.AlphaXiDelta
TikTok: @AlphaXiDeltaUNI
Instagram: @AlphaXiDeltaUNI | Local Website
Recruitment Video
President: Contact
Gamma Phi Beta ΓΦΒ
Nickname: Gamma Phi
Colors: Brown & Mode
Philanthropy: Building Strong Girls/Girls on the Run
Founding at UNI: 1968
Motto: True and Constant
GPA Requirement: 3.10 High School, 2.62 College Facebook: GammaPhiBetaUNI
TikTok: @GammaPhiUNI
Instagram: @GammaPhiUNI | Local Website
Recruitment Video
President: Contact