UNI FSL New Member Verification Process Outline


1) New Member Verification Agreement

  • Chapter must agree to following the process and policies. This is to be completed once by Chapter President and Recruitment Chair and must be completed when leadership changes.

2) New Member Verification

  • Chapter provides potential new members with the link to complete the NMV form. PNMs complete the form allow chapters to access academic records.

3) Academic records to chapter

  • The Office of Student Involvement provides academic records to the chapter or chapters selected by the PNM through the NMV form. This will be completed within 1-3 business days.

4) Chapter extends bid to membership (UNI Fraternity/PHC only)

  • Potential new member accepts bid or crosses line.

5) New Member Notification

  • Chapter completes NM Notification form to notify the Office of Student Involvement within (3) business days of which potential new members accepted their bid. Completion of this form automatically distributes University Membership Form to the new members.

6) University Membership Form

  • New member receives FSL University Membership Form via automatic email and completes to officially join chapter's university roster. For UNI Fraternity/PHC, this must be completed prior to any chapter initiation process or new member education.

Inter/National Headquarters Resources

Inter/National Headquarters Resources

Links below are to the website of the national or international organizations of our fraternities and sororities at UNI. These provide an overview of the inter/national organizations' stance, approach, program, etc. in the areas of equity and inclusion.